Frequently Asked Questions

To apply for assistance you may either use the online form located on the Application page or visit the New Albany Township Trustee’s Office located at 2608 Charlestown Rd. New Albany.

In order to receive assistance from the Trustee’s office you must fill out an application. The trustee must make a decision on all applications within 72 hours, not counting weekends and holidays. In an emergency, the trustee may be able to help you the same day.

When applying you should have ready your government identification and proof of your income and finances. This can be pay stubs, or other assitance records. Bring proof of your household situation (social security numbers, birth certificates of household members), receipts for expenses during the last month, and information and any documents regarding the situation you need help with, like a rent-due notice or mortgage notice. If you have any referrals from other agencies, bring those as well.

  1. Application filled out completely
  2. Indiana picture I.D.
  3. Proof of income for the past 30 days (Notice of Benefits, Social Security Award Letter, Bank Statement, Child Support documentation if applicable)
  4. Copy of your Lease or mortgage
    1.  If requesting assistance with utility bills- the bill must be at a disconnect status, in the applicants name
  5. If unemployed, you must be registered at the Work-One with a resume online and actively seeking employment. You will be required to provide documentation including contact information for the last 5 employment interviews. You will receive paperwork from Township Trustee’s Office for documenting the interviews. 
  6. Social Security cards for everyone in the household.
  7. Notice of benefits from FSSA

The trustee will not give you cash. Instead, the trustee may issue a “voucher” (like a coupon) to a landlord for rent or your mortgage, or help you find a place to stay. Some trustee offices have a supply of food to give to people in need, while others may give vouchers to a grocery store.

The trustee’s office must follow its own standards when deciding whether this office can help you. Some applications do not meet that criteria and are turned down. The office will provide a written “denial slip” if your application is denied. The slip will tell you the reason for the denial, and will tell you about your right to appeal the denial.

If you are denied help from the trustee, you have the right to appeal. You have 15 days from the date of the denial to file an appeal of the decision. If you don’t appeal, the denial is final.

You should fill out the appeal request that is on the back of the denial slip. Make a copy of the denial slip and the appeal request for yourself, and deliver in person or mail the original to the Floyd County Commissioners office located in the Pineview Government Center. A hearing will be scheduled within 10 days of the Commissioner’s receiving the appeal request.

At an appeal hearing, the Floyd County Commissioners will decide whether you should have been helped, either under the trustee’s own guidelines or under the Indiana poor relief law. You can have an attorney represent you at the hearing or you can go by yourself. 

If the trustee thinks you could be getting help under another program, the trustee can tell you to apply for help under that program. If you do not apply, the trustee can refuse to help you.

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